by Volleyball Clubs of Ontario Research Staff

Unfortunately, training in a gym is impossible during the outbreak of coronavirus. All volleyball players have to stay at home right now. However, they still need to continue training and developing their volleyball skills. Beginners should master basic volleyball skills. Advanced volleyball players should work hard to improve their skills. Also, it’s incredibly important for volleyball players to stay fit all the time. That’s why more and more people have to stay at home and focus on the so called offseason volleyball training during these difficult times.

Quarantine is some kind of offseason for volleyball players. Of course, volleyball players can have a break during the quarantine and relax. However, a break shouldn’t last for a long period of time. After a break, athletes should get back to training as soon as possible. They should continue to work hard and master volleyball skills at home.

Luckily, there are a lot of drills that volleyball players can do at home. There are volleyball drills for advanced volleyball players as well as volleyball drills for beginners.

When staying at home, you’ll be able to develop different types of volleyball skills including passing, setting, hitting, serving as well as blocking. There are also many other great physical activities for improving conditioning that volleyball players can do at home.

It’s important to know that training at home can be hard. Many volleyball players find it difficult to train without the support of a coach as well as teammates. Oftentimes, volleyball athletes need to overcome challenges when training at home. Nevertheless, every volleyball player should train on a regular basis. Volleyball players should train hard and train smart all the time.

The question is – what type of training do volleyball players need to do at home? Today, we’ll concentrate on the so called offseason or at home training for volleyball players. We’ll tell you about simple drills and workouts that volleyball players can do at home during the quarantine, offseason, etc.

At Home Volleyball Passing Drills

When practicing volleyball passing drills at home, you need to focus on passing to yourself. You can practice passing drills when staying at home in a number of different ways.

When doing at volleyball passing drills at home, you should aim to diversify your training program. For example, you can do passing when walking, running, skipping and remaining stationary. Pass to yourself when moving to the left and pass to yourself when moving to the right. Pass with a left hand and then pass with a right hand.

At Home Volleyball Hitting Drills

The best way you can practice volleyball hitting is to hit against a wall. When doing this type of a volleyball drill, you should aim to find the way you like to hit the ball most. So, it makes a lot of sense to experiment with hitting.

Use different power to hit the ball, hit from different distances, etc. And of course, it would be nice to hit the ball precisely to the target. Another important thing that you need to be aware of is that there are different types of spikes that a volleyball hitter can master.

When staying at home, it would be great for volleyball players to develop various types of spikes including hard-driven spike, off-speed spike, standing spike as well as open-handed tip. By doing so, a volleyball player will be able to figure out what type of spike is more to his/her liking.

It’s a great idea to try all different types of spikes when training at home. So, practice each type of spikes when doing at home volleyball hitting. Sooner or later, you’ll be able to develop your own hitting technique that works best for you and provides excellent results.

At Home Volleyball Serving Drills

We all know that tossing plays a very important role in volleyball serving. That’s why it’s so important for you to focus on developing the perfect toss first. That means that tossing needs to be an essential part of at home volleyball serving training. Toss to yourself in the way that will make it possible to serve the ball in the best possible way.

After tossing you should switch your focus to developing a serving skill. When developing serving drills at home, you should serve at the wall. Also, it’s recommended to serve at the target. This way you will be able to improve the preciseness of your serve. Try to serve the ball at the certain place on the wall. Serve at the wall from different distances.

When developing at home volleyball serving drills you should always try your best to accomplish two goals. First and foremost, you have to serve the ball with power. Also, you should aim to serve the ball with precision.

Let’s say that you find it comfortable to serve the ball from certain distance. Now, it’s time to move back and increase the distance. By doing this, you’ll make your task more complicated. Once again you should aim to serve the ball at the wall with precision.

At Home Volleyball Blocking Drills

It’s possible to develop volleyball blocking drills at home. First of all, let’s try to figure out what it takes to be a good blocker? It’s pretty clear that a volleyball blocker has to do a lot of footwork during the game. That means that a blocker needs to concentrate on footwork when developing volleyball blocking drills at home.

The question is – what do volleyball blockers need to do in order to improve their footwork at home? Obviously, volleyball blockers have to be fast on their feet. So, it would be great for volleyball blockers to work on improving their lateral movements.

Volleyball blockers need to move in the different directions on the court. When doing at home volleyball drills, try to move left, try to move right, try to move back and try to move forth. All of this will have a huge positive impact on your legs and, therefore, on your footwork.

It’s pretty easy to practice these types of volleyball movements. It’s worth noting that this type of volleyball practices don’t require a gym, special equipment as well as a coach. So, you will be able to do it at home.

You can also take advantage of a wall to develop volleyball blocking skills at home. It makes a lot of sense for blockers to concentrate on pressing against the wall.

First of all, you need to position yourself against a wall. Then, you need to jump up and press your hands against the wall. When doing this type of drill, a volleyball player should keep his/her hips as well as feet back. It goes without saying that doing this type of at home volleyball drill on a regular basis will contribute greatly to your blocking skill.

At Home Volleyball Activities You Can Do to Improve Your Conditioning

It’s possible for volleyball players to improve their conditioning in a variety of ways when staying at home. Among the best at home workouts for volleyball players are: lunges, squats as well as pushups.

It makes a lot of sense for volleyball players to run in the morning as well. Running is the type of the physical activity that you can easily do without teammates and a coach when staying at home. Keep in mind that running has many great benefits for volleyball players. Running will help you improve your conditioning and stay fit.

Another activity that volleyball players can do for improving conditioning is cycling. Do you have a bike? If so, take advantage of it when staying at home. Cycling is a great way to spend time outdoors. So, you’ll get pleasure from riding a bike. Cycling has a positive impact on your entire body. If you do cycling on a regular basis, you’ll be able to improve your physical health dramatically and this will help you perform better on the court.

Thank you so much for reading this article. We’ve just described the drills that volleyball players can do at home easily anytime. Obviously, doing these volleyball drills at home regularly will allow you to improve your skills dramatically. It’s also important to note that doing all these at home drills will positively affect volleyball player’s ball control abilities. So, you’ll find it easy to control the ball and this will help you become a better volleyball player in the future. Best of luck!